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Donned in white Fringe with a silver baton at their sides, the Highland Belle Lieutenants lead the team onto the field for halftime.  Their leadership doesn’t stop there, though.  These five young women work in tandem with the directors to mold every aspect of a Highland Belle performance.  


Each lieutenant is assigned one-fifth of the team.  She works with her teammates daily in practice and leads additional weekend rehearsals to prepare them for weekly performance auditions. Lieutenants serve as the liaison between the directors and the line, communicating important updates to their groups and offering individualized support to every member.  They are the first to arrive and the last to leave. 


The lieutenant strut, notably one of the most treasured honors offered a Belle, was choreographed by Mrs. Cathy Wheat, the founding director.  The movement is an adaptation of the traditional officer entrance performed by the Kilgore College Rangerettes.  Each baton carried in the strut is inscribed with the initials of every young woman who has the honor of holding it since 1983.  

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