We are forever grateful to the minds and hearts of those who established the Highland Belles Angel Fun and our scholarships. These financial tools have supported our dancers through the ups and downs of life and awarded the most deserving as they head to college.
There are currently two scholarships in place that honor Highland Belles
Highland Belles Scholarship
This Scholarship is awarded to Senior Belles or Managers who represent the values, character, traditions, leadership, and legacy of the Highland Belles Drill Team. The recipients are those who are recognized by their peers for adherence to the team covenants of sisterhood, integrity, and commitment as well as overall contributions to the Belles and HPHS.
Darla Hollingshead Highland Belle Scholarship
The Darla Hollingshead Highland Belle Scholarship was created to honor the joyful spirit of Darla Hollingshead who delighted in being the mother of two Highland Belles. The entire family made some of their dearest friendships through their involvement with the team. The Darla Hollingshead Scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating Highland Belle who exemplifies high academics, enthusiasm and outstanding character.